Technical Visits

This edition’s two technical visits will take place on Friday 16 June, with a coach departure from the Congress Centre La Nuvola. They are on extra cost at 70 euros per person (transportation included). Tickets are to be purchased during the registration process. Seats are limited on first come first served basis.

Technical Visit 1 – E-distribuzione Primary Substation Villanova di Guidonia


The Primary Substation of Villanova di Guidonia is located 40 minutes from the conference venue.

Transportation to the Primary Substation will be organized for participants:

  • Departure at 09:00 hrs from the Conference Centre La Nuvola
  • Return at La Nuvola around 13:00 hrs (departure from Villanova scheduled at 12:15 hrs)

The Primary Substation of Villanova di Guidonia serves over 10.000 grid customers in the North Eastern area outside Rome (cities of Guidonia Montecelio and Tivoli). It is a typical E-Distribuzione standard Primary Substation.

It is equipped with 2 25 MVA HV/MV transformers, 2 HV Hybrid Modules (Air-SF6) and a MV compact air insulated switchgear.

Besides the visit of the Primary Substation and its equipments, participants will be invited to experience the new technologies currently in use in E-Distribuzione. Booths with examples of new technology applications (VR, AR, Drones, 3D Modeling) will be installed inside the PS perimeter. It will also be possible for visitors to test some of them.

Visit limited to 49 seats

Cp Villanova Di Guidonia 2

Technical Visit 2 – L’Aquila E-distribuzione Training Centre

The Training Centre of L’Aquila is located 1,5 hours from the conference venue.

Transportation to the Training Centre will be organized for participants:

  • Departure at 08:30 am from the Conference Centre La Nuvola
  • Return at La Nuvola around 14:30 hrs (departure from L’Aquila scheduled at 13:00 hrs)

1) Presentation of the E-Distribuzione Training Centers and Training Policy (about 45 minutes)

2) Indoor and outdoor training facilities visit (18,500 sqm, about 2 hours):

  • The Primary Substation: HV section, HV/MV transformers and MV section
  • The MV network and switching devices, joints and terminals laboratories, the remote control devices
  • Secondary substations and Pole Mounted Transformers
  • The LV network: LV power components, meters and remote meter management
  • Virtual Reality training system

Visit limited to 49 seats

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